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A C T I V E  H O U S E

Executive Board

President: Vita *BIORA* Putri 

Vice-President Internal: Hana *amethyst* Tran

Vice-President External: Hana *amethyst* Tran

Vice-President Service: Hana *amethyst* Tran

Treasurer: Christine *AST3R* Lam


Academic Chair:

Vita *BIORA* Putri 

Alumnae Chair:

Christine *AST3R* Lam 

Hana *amethyst* Tran 

Cultural Chair:

Valerie *ZAR1A* Liu 

Hana *amethyst* Tran

Fundraising Chairs:

Christine *AST3R* Lam 

Hana *amethyst* Tran 


Hana *amethyst* Tran


Christine *AST3R* Lam

Recording Secretary:

Christine *AST3R* Lam

Risk Management Officers:

Vita *BIORA* Putri


Rush Chair:

Christine *AST3R* Lam

Sisterhood Chair:

Valerie *ZAR1A* Liu

Special Events Coordinators:

Hana *amethyst* Tran

Webmistresses/Publicity Chairs:

Hana *amethyst* Tran


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