University of Toronto Pre-Associate Chapter
alpha Kappa Delta Phi

National History
alpha Kappa Delta Phi was established at the University of California at Berkeley in the fall of 1989, and recognized by the College Panhellenic Association on February 7, 1990. The fourteen founding sisters: Betty Chu, Karin Co, Susan Kim, Nancy Lee, Sherri Leung, Annie Loo, Belinda Ma, Anita Ng, Serene Ngin, Fannie Pon, Josie Sun, Daisy Wu, Jill Yoshimura, and Reina Yuan, dedicated themselves to establishing a strong and lasting organization, which would provide Asian American women the opportunity to participate in the Greek system. Soon after being recognized by the College Panhellenic Association, the founding sisters brought together a diverse group of women who shared with them the goals of sisterhood, scholarship, and leadership. These ideals were to later set the foundation for alpha Kappa Delta Phi's purpose.
The love and generosity that each member had for the organization were instrumental to the growth of alpha Kappa Delta Phi's reputation as a sorority, as well as to the forging of unbreakable friendships. The sisterhood has since then spread to prominent university campuses across the country. To meet the needs of the growing sisterhood, the National Board of alpha Kappa Delta Phi was established in May of 1993 at the National Convention in Santa Barbara, California.
It is the sincere wish of the founding sisters that alpha Kappa Delta Phi continue to promote Asian Awareness in the community and leadership for women by providing each woman with the resources, unique sisterly support, and understanding to achieve her goals in life.
To continue the sisterhood after graduation, the National Alumnae Board of alpha Kappa Delta Phi was established in the Fall of 2002 under the initiation of the National Board Alumnae Chair, Sophia Yen, UC Berkeley alumna. The 2002-2003 National Alumnae Board then set the foundation for the establishment of the National Alumnae Association.

Chapter History
The University of Toronto is the home of alpha Kappa Delta Phi's 47th chapter and the 1st Canadian chapter. The University of Toronto chapter was established in May 2010 by 13 charters: Annie Chiu, Tina Dang, Alice Huang, Steffi Huynh, Alicia Lu, Yvonne Lu, Michelle Ma, Sinthya Ngo, Carrie Vong, Lulu Wang, Melissa Wang, Jennifer Wu and Grayce Yuen. The 13 women shared the same drive, perseverance, and initiative for establishing the first international chapter of alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority, Inc. This reaffirmed their beliefs in establishing a long-lasting organization that would provide all women on campus with the opportunity to experience sisterhood. They aimed to expand the chapters of alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority Inc., beyond the borders of the United States. They had a goal to unite the sisterhood and broaden the networking between the universities and communities from the United States and Canada.